The moon just turned into Pacman!
The song started with a more empty feeling, shortly to be built on. The first time I heard the start, I felt it confused me a little, with some instruments holding a firm grip on more or less one single note, but the second time I listened to this song, I associated it with an empty mind, looking up and searching for the moon on the night sky, and then the sky becomes darker, deeper and is filled with eerie magic.
01:07 - I feel the song now starts properly and expresses some more emotion.
01:38 - Here it is as if your view enters space itself and you observe not just the moon, but several other planets. I feel I want to fly around and explore this mysterious adventure.
02:26 - I look back, and I can see the Earth. It is very bright, and it feels really magical to be looking back at the population that often also stares up towards the stars and sky.
2:58 - One word: Satellies!
Although several instruments varied and made the song give different emotions at different parts, the song still feels somewhat repetive.
In my opinion, this music could be very nice to combine with certain flash submissions. Perhaps one identical to my own feelings I described above?
I also liked how the instruments did not sound boring, but rather magical and all that. That is something my own projects lack, but I will be working on it.
Nice work. =D